Tuesday, October 6, 2009
2 in a row
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Poor little gal, to get the virus twice so soon (Shingles is caused bythe same virus as chickenpox, which she had when she was one yr old, when the virus decides to 'erupt' again). Reminds me of the time when she caught Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease twice too.
Tough to be sick. So always count our blessings! Glad she is feeling better now :)
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Countryside in SG
Couldn't resist taking a photo from the car, at the long winding road along the 'countryside', no high rise buildings in sight (which is hard to find in the built-up SG).
There was actually a promotion organised by the Kranji Countryside going on. It was something like treasure hunt, and participants could drive to the many farms listed in the "FarmPass" to collect a stamp. After collecting a number of stamps, participants were entitled to the gift. Although the gals looked forward to the stamps at each stop, nevertheless, I thought it was a good way for us to learn more about the farms in SG.
First stop was the Hay Dairies Goat Farm. Missed the milking session, but still had a good look at the goats. Buttercup, who had just been to the farm a few weeks back with her classmates, was the unofficial tourguide giving her "introduction". She was saying that the goats came all the way from America (?). She even knew that the goats have udders. Hmm, not bad for a 4-yr old's vocabulary. I don't think I was aware of the word until very much older. Bought some goats' milk before leaving, the kids (except Bubbles) tried the chocolate-flavoured goat milk.
Next, was a vege farm. Have you seen a scarecrow before in Singapore? Everyone was amazed...
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Sandwich cutter
Couldn't resist getting this coz I thought that it would really save on the extra bread cut outs. Usually if I use the cookie cutter to get the shapes, there are bond to have extras, which eventually have to end up in this mummy's tummy. (sigh need to keep watch of my waistline as I get older).
Here's Buttercup trying her hands at it - i was smiling to myself, as she looked like she had to work very hard for her breakfast this day hehehe
Blossoms 1st "project"
Thursday, June 25, 2009
What to do with extra whipping cream?
We were looking at some ice-cream receipes that used whipping cream and we saw one on Mango Yoghurt Ice-cream. It uses whipping cream and yoghurt (which I did not have in my fridge and I was too lazy to purposely go to the convenience store just to get a tub). No mangoes either but there were strawberries and red dragonfruit in my fridge.
So i "whipped" up some strawberry ice-cream. It tasted a bit sour even without the yoghurt, perhaps due to the strawberries. hmm, not too bad :)
So decided on a coffee sponge cake (Gina's receipe).
Flat out by the time I completed my tasks last night. But there is still whipping cream left!!! :(
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
More activities
1-day tour - Yakult factory + Fish farm
Lots of excitement for the gals, it rubbed off on me too. Feel so good to have quality time with the 3 of them together. With each of them having school, childcare, enrichment classes and plus us adults dealing with our work commitments, it is really precious to spend a whole day out enjoying one another's company.
There are 3 pools for fish spa at the farm (where you can place your feet in the water and let the little fish nibble them). And there are koi and tortoise ponds where my gals enjoyed feeding them fishfood (bought at S$1 each small pack). They found it really fun to feed them, maybe they do not get much opportunities to do so usually.
Next stop was the Yakult factory, where we were given a tour around the premises and briefed about the unique bacteria in the product etc. I was also very excited about this tour, as never been to such a factory before. Of course there was free yakult to drink and discounted items to buy.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Happy Fathers' Day
Wishing all fathers a Happy Fathers' Day!
Baked a chocolate cake, and covered it with whipped cream. Blossoms helped me with the writing on the cake. I think she did a marvelous job. My hubby wanted to bring this to my in-laws for the night, but I was very relunctant. Don't want to be embarrassed hehehe, as I knew this cake was not perfect. After the getting all the ingredients together and pouring it into the cake tin did I realised that there was flour left in the bottom of the mixing bowl not mixed properly. Wanted to kick myself! Anyway, nothing could be salvaged then so I got on with the baking. Luckily still edible but dun want to bring it out of the house. We had a small cake cutting "ceremony" at home after we came back from my in-laws' place. Anyway, my SIL bought one for my in-laws.
Commercially, there is less hype on this day as compared to Mothers' Day. But I feel daddies should also have their day, as they play an equally important role in the children's lives. This is the 2nd year that I am not able to celebrate the day with my dad. Time has passed quickly, but memories are not so easily gone. There is sadness whenever I think about him.
Buttercup told me last night that she missed Yeye too. Asked her why, she said because Yeye always blows her balloons. She was genuinely missing him, as I could see some wetness in her eyes. It made mine water too. But I told her (and also to myself) he is in a better place now and is free of all pain.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
1) Chocoloate Chip cookies
My gals' favourite. I really love the smell when they are baking!
2) Peanut cookies
Made from ground peanuts rather than peanut butter. More crunch. I found it a tad too sweet, coz I only realised that the ground peanuts I bought already had some sugar included. But my hubby said it was alright.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Peanut Sandies
Preheat oven to 180C.
Place everything in a large bowl and mix
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Bento #32 and #33

Monday, April 27, 2009
Bento #30 and #31
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Bento #29
Usually I have to separate the sauce from the pasta, as Buttercup is really particular. She prefers her pasta free of sauce. Depends on her mood whether she will put any topping on her pasta at all.
Bento #28
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Healthy breakfast
Jacob Ballas Children's Garden
Lovely place for children (up to ages 12). Lots of plants to check out, and with playground, water play area, sand pit, plus this huge treehouse.
This exhibit was on photosynthesis and plants as a factory.
Blossom was also amazed by a 100-year old tree that was struck by lightning and which had roots as huge as walls. They had a rocking good time at the suspension bridge too.
We found this a great place to bring the children too and admission is free. Besides having fun, they get to see plants and trees which they would not see at usuall places. We spotted a cotton plant (which they found it interesting that it would end up to be their T-shirt), peanut plant, tapioca, banana, plantain (which I also mistook as a banana plant)... it was education for them (and for me too!)
Check out their website at:
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Bento #27
Frankly, have not been doing much baking and bentoing recently. Too many things to keep me busy. Strangely, at times there is this feeling of guilt for not updating my blog.
This is the recent dinner for my gals. Heart-shaped riceballs with stirfried cauliflower and carrots, 2 "dinosaur" chicken nuggets, minced meat omelette, stewed potatoes with meat and peas. Dessert was two-coloured grapes plus yoghurt.
The plate was bought from Daiso (went shopping again!) , a steal at S$2. :)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Marble Cake
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Chocolate Sponge Cake
DH said, after seeing this product, "Another cake..." (without much of a hint of enthusiam). What to do? Leftover so much whipping cream. This time it is a chocolate sponge.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day
Baked a simple vanilla sponge cake on Valentine's Day and turned it into my very first cream cake! Looks amateur and simple. My elder 2 gals helped with the deco. They loved and couldn't keep their fingers off the whipped topping as it was light and slightly sweet - they even commented that the cream taste better than the cake :( . The sponge cake was sandwiched with strawberry jam and more whipped cream. The gals had a lot of suggestions on how to deco the cake, but luckily we could come to a collective decision to have hearts and more hearts on the cake.